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23 May 2006



You are a genius! I just got caught up reading your entries and I'm loving them! You write with such wit, intelligence and creativity. And your honesty and perspective are refreshing. Looking foward to more! :)


You poor dear! Baby yourself a little, you need it. As for the travel, just try to think about the positives. You will get through it. I am sorry you are having such a rough time. Hang in there.


I'm so sorry you're having a rough time right now, but it really will pass. Even in my difficult pregnancy, there were spots of sunshine and moments when I felt better than I've ever felt. Here's hoping they come sooner rather than later for you.
As for connecting, it's okay if that doesn't happen during all-day sickness! It's a wonder you're functioning at all. I remember very clearly the time I threw up on myself in the shower (in the shower because I had thrown up on myself) and I was sure that the baby was trying to kill both of us. How's that for lost logic? And I'm so sorry you're hearing such insensitive comments. Wish I knew what to say.


I second the comment that it's OK not to feel connected. It's hard when the baby is that tiny! I actually felt more connected in many ways to the baby we almost adopted. It just seemed more real. With this pregnancy, I mainly feel fat. Here's to the first time the babies kick us!

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