My belly hurts. I got out a hand held mirror today and found that the very low part of my belly that I can no longer see is sporting some angry looking stretch marks. I don't think they were there before. The baby dropped 2 cm since my last doctor's visit and I'm dilating and effacing right on target. It just feels like she's focusing all her weight on smashing downward, which I guess is good, but my low belly is paying the price.
I guess I need to say for the record, I think she'll be born tomorrow. If she's not I don't think I'll be upset or anything. In the meantime my body is going wacko, my legs feel like they're held on with rubber bands, and my whole pelvis is sore and stretching. This morning she was doing some kind of wild rolling around - probably engaging her head or something - thus making my pelvis sore.
So I'm just carrying on with nesting activities. Task of the day: find someone who wants our futon and has a single bed to swap (done). Find a twin size down comforter for the bed (done). More laundry (done). Visit the thrift store across the street (found toy cars, some favorite books, and a cute knitted hat and sweater for the Sprout). Nap (done). Close craigslist cloth diaper deal (done). I still need to sweep and wash the kitchen floor but I'm going to rest again for a bit to try to relieve all this physical discomfort.
If you all are really sick of hearing about me being pregnant, I understand. It's kind of clouding everything else right now, though, so you'll have to wait a bit more to hear about other stuff.