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01 November 2006



Ick. That sounds like no fun at all! Maybe some more research is warranted. Are you using doublers inside the diapers?

The learning curve is precisely the reason we're going disposable. I'm just not that coordinated.

By the way--you have to have the BEST post title of the week. It made me giggle (giggling makes you go into labor, right?? right?)


Unfortunately no cloth diapering advice here. I'm currently trying to decide which way we'll go and now it's not looking so good for Fuzzibunz.

I just "ran into" your son on the AF website! It is a strange feeling running into someone on the world wide web. Congrats to the Grand Prize Candid Winner! (I know one of the 0-11 mo "runner ups" from my Taiwan yahoo groups)

I hope you'll see that small sprout soon!


Sorry but I am laughing my head off here.

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