Yesterday we had brunch with The Captain's father, visiting from his home in Kosovo, and his sister and brother-in-law. I didn't realize how much a part of my routine an 11 o'clock nap has become until the hour came and I began rubbing my eyes. Good thing they let me curl up on the couch for a bit. We stuffed ourselves with Dutch treats, which Pap (Grandpa) had brought in his suitcase. Small Son wants to be held a lot these days and The Captain had his hands full.
And yes, I know that The Sprout is wearing boy's clothes, but they are so cute and Small Sun only wore that sleeper a couple times before he outgrew it. I had to see it some more. :)
After that we continued on to a friend's house for A Friend's Thanksgiving. There we celebrated with people I've known for almost 15 years - my oldest friends. Of course the people attached to the friends change and grow over time. Now there are spouses and children and in-laws and dates. These relationships have shifted and changed, waxed and waned, but it was really nice to spend Thanksgiving with people I have history with. And it was wonderfully gezellig which is a quality much sought out in Dutch culture. Our closest English approximation would be warm, cozy, or pleasant. The table was beautifully set, the food was abundant and amazing.
My whole family is in Pennsylvania but we opted not to travel so soon after The Sprout's arrival. I've been missing my family terribly though, as I only get to see my siblings a couple times a year. Good thing they're coming for Christmas and that's only a couple weeks away.
So, a day delayed but still so relevant, here are some things I am thankful for:
My brother the human rights activist who never lets Thanksgiving pass without talking about how it is all a farce and that the pilgrims wiped out the First Nations tribes with disease and massacres.
Giving birth in an excellent hospital with amazing surgeons who put me back together after The Sprout blazed her own trail out.
Thanksgiving and Christmas - the two days a year I eat meat - white turkey meat that is dry and tasty.
My beautiful kids, the big one who has been wearing a complete face mask of snot for weeks, and the little one whose skin is so white and sensitive that every little flush and bump and scratch stands out.
Dutch sweets - they know how to make them! And Indonesian food, via the Dutch colonies, which is delicious.
Friends - several years ago I had a birthday party and only two people showed up: after having The Sprout we're receiving three weeks worth of meals from friends. A lot has changed in my life in the last few years.
Documents - having nearly all the ones necessary to apply for our visas.
Breasts - I can't believe I can just feed this baby on them and she doesn't need anything else - amazing!
The Captain, chocolate, stable finances, the privilege of being born in the west but traveling outside of it, music, art, and sleep. I give thanks for all of these things and more. I am extremely thankful that we are well, we are happy, our life is rich.
ps- the layout of text to photos is totally screwed up here but I haven't been able to straighten it out. For this I am not thankful, just fyi.