I've always been the kind of person that could get a lot done. In school and at work I knew how to break huge projects down into manageable parts. I met deadlines. I rose to the top. I was successful.
After a period devoted to bonding with Small Sun I began to get involved with motherhood themed projects. I co-host a weekly playgroup and I'm part of a group that provides meals to families when a new child joins their family.
I took a leave of activity from these groups until six weeks after the Sprout was born. I thought I would ease my way back into things at that point. Here I am, nearly five months later, and I can hardly get anything done.
My house is tidy, but dirty. I say I can help with things, and I really want to, but the things I could so easily do in the past, I just CAN'T make happen right now.
One of my friends became a mother long before the rest of us. She confided in me that mothering was so hard for her because she was used to accomplishing things - finishing tasks - and the tasks of motherhood are never accomplished or finished. There is always more laundry to do, another feeding for the baby, another nap, another bath, another diaper. Yes, there are wondrous and beautiful moments in mothering, but you never really have the feeling that you finished the job. I suppose one day it will be over and I'll realize I didn't know that it was the last feeding or the last diaper...or I would have treasured it more. That's another topic.
I'm saying that if you're the kind of person who likes to check things off a list, motherhood presents challenges. Right now I'm struggling with how little I can do. How little I get done in a day. Today I couldn't get the Sprout to nap well. She kept waking up and each time I was trying to soothe her back to sleep Small Sun came bouncing in, his joy feet clapping on the floor, his eager body jumping on the bed, his sweet voice saying "Hi hi hi hi hi" one centimeter from his sister's face. Each time she would startle, then cry, and I just never got her to sleep. I'd alternate between hugging Small Sun close and snuggling him, while I patted the Sprout on the back, and glaring at him and hissing "go to the living room, you're waking up your sister." So I wasn't even consistent in conveying a safe, loving mommy to him today.
What am I getting done? I am feeding my kids. They are sleeping through the night. They each nap, some, in the day. Most days I wear clothes and so do they. We always brush our teeth.
Maybe if I set the bar really, really low, I'll feel graceful as I hurtle over it.
Something to feel good about: after nearly five months, my jeans fit again. I've got three pounds of baby weight to lose and I must say, I'm feeling pretty happy. I was nervous that those extra pounds might just set up camp to stay.