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27 June 2007



Brett is a much quieter personality than I am -- emotionally as well as literally. So he doesn't have the same knee-jerk, tear-drenched passion I have for things BUT he supports me in my passions. I kinda figure that I couldn't live the way I live without having a solid, comforting anchor and he does that for me but yes, I do sometimes get frustrated when I want him to be as angry as I am and he just wants to support *me* in my anger.


We do share some similar passions. Most of the things I write about are things we're also discussing. One thing that is interesting to me is that we've come to a lot of similar positions via very different routes. T is a heart-person, while I'm more of a head-person. So he relies on his experiences and feelings to guide him to what is "right," while I rely on reading and pondering. That sometimes distances us, even though we agree on the end point. I seem dispassionate to him.


I am further into the adoption reform movement than the sailor is. We both believe in adoption reform, but I think I see more problems in it, and want to see more women parent than he does.

I'm also passionate about human slave trafficking and, he supports that, but doesn't really get involved at all.


This sparked some great discussion between me and my captain (Sally F and I actually call him that!) I had no idea that where we live is not as comfortable for him as it is for me until reading this post together and talking about it. He says that he believes I hear from God and wants to honor what's in my heart and what's stirring in me, so he makes decisions that will line up with my values and passions, but they're not always comfortable for him. I was a little shocked, but glad to know where he is emotionally. I love that he believes in me and supports me in my deep desires to be close to those who are hurting so that I can at least pray for them by name.

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