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28 August 2007



How uniquely familiar. My eye exam is scheduled for the 6th of September. While pregnant with baby girl I had a two week spell where things in the room were a little on the blury side. This passed eventually and I chopped it up to being pregnant and hormones. Now I am beginning to have regular occuring headaches (mild but headaches none the less). I didn't realize that nursing could add to eye trouble as well. Thanks for the post, and I guess I can thank baby girl for this eye exam as well :)


My eyesight actually got better for a while when preg...
I would ask if they have any rubber frames. Joe just broke my 'new' (6 month old)glasses by twisting the side off. I now have them epoxied and super-glued and can't fold them up anymore. Thanks, son. At least I only wear them at night. Why is it that the cheap $3 sunglasses that Finley has had for 2 years won't break?


Ah, gotta love the optometrist! Are contact lenses an option? I wear contacts during the day, and glasses at night.


Sorry for the off-topic post, but I just found your blog and I'm wasting way too much time at work reading it! I, too, live in Nashville and I'm mom to my 18-month old son (adopted domestically). I'm also an adoption attorney. I love to meet other interracial families (especially here in Nashville) and I'd love to correspond with you! Thanks for this blog!


Oh, get both! Or one pair that is both funky and basic!

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