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10 August 2007



Sometimes a tradition has to go for the sake of your values and society. I applaud your willingness to break with tradition in spite of encouragement by your Dutch family and friends to the contrary!


This must be so hard. You are up against the deepest and blindest parts of family/culture. I am proud of you for addressing it. Keep the faith!

Proud to be Dutch

I am afraid I am going to have to disagree completely with your blog post, having grown up and having attended primary school in Holland I am all to familiar with Sinterklaas and all the traditions that come along with his presence in Dutch society. Zwarte Pieten are not looked down upon or frowned on, they are not victims of racism or portrayed as lesser individuals. They are simply part of an old tradition based on former dutch beliefs. As you said previously, the Zwarte Pieten did boss around Sinterklaas, as I have often experienced on the day of arrival (the day Sinterklaas makes his way into all the towns on his stoomboot) Sinterklaas is portrayed as senile and forgetful, the Zwarte Pieten are portrayed as helpers yet underneath they are shown to be more intelligent then their superior. Never have i heard a child say anything racist about a Zwarte Piet, nor have i seen adults look down on them or seen the increase of racism amongst dutch society because of this tradition. I lived in Holland for 14 years, all my ancestors are dutch, born and bread. I am sorry to point out your mistakes. Whatever you do, do not hope to change your children's set of mind by erasing Zwarte Piet, instead, teach them the values that come along with this traditional dutch celebration. I would like to add that placing sentences such as

''this is black face and the whole of Holland embraces dressing someone up like an oafish and mean dark skinned person.''

Makes you look racist, and even hypocritical for telling us you are trying to raise your children with different moral values.

Do not try and erase Dutch history, embrace it.

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