Sometimes, as a mom, I hit a low. You know those days where you are so busy doing everything for everyone? By the time you get to eat your food, it's cold. You're trying to use the bathroom and kids are climbing on your lap. After making a great dinner, and feeding everybody there's still cleanup and bedtime to get through. Those days where it feels like a week from wake-up till bedtime.
One day like that this week I just took a little time out (hubby was home) to go cry in my pillow. I'm learning to acknowledge that my own needs for care are real and important (I'm actually pretty good at taking care of myself but I also try to be unselfish and take good care of my family). Also I'm learning that sometimes it's appropriate for another person to help me meet those needs and sometimes I can ask God to meet my needs. (I know, here I go turning off my readers who aren't into God!)
So as I was crying in my pillow I started to tell God about how tired I was and how I wanted someone to mother me for a change.
God speaks to me with pictures. First I became aware that I could sit on God's lap like a child and He was taking care of me. Literally, I felt warm and comforted, and like my hair was being stroked. I instantly began to relax and find peace.
The next thing I saw was a kind of movie of me taking care of my kids. I saw myself doing the mundane tasks of motherhood (feeding Sprout in her chair, changing diapers, picking up toys), except liquid gold was pouring out of my hands and coating everything I was touching. The most basic actions were immensely valuable.
Sometimes I need that reminder - that these often boring and mundane activities are actually life-giving, and that I am creating an environment that teaches my children that they are valuable.
I'm glad that I am learning to let the God-head meet some of my needs because they can meet them so completely, and I can be filled and move on, instead of pulling and pulling on a person to fill a deep need. There are many, many needs that are met interpersonally, but sometimes you just can't beat Father God's hugs.
How many of you have I scared off?