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26 February 2008


Amie R

I know...I have no clue how to "talk" J through all of these transitions coming up. I guess talking him through it with pictures might help a little, and making sure he has transition objects. I think I am more worried about him than B for sure.


Just when you think you know what you're doing it all shifts, right? The good thing is Sprout has probably been listening to everything you say to Small Sun and processing it on her level. She just needs a little more attention directly. She'll do OK. I'm having the same kind of shift in focus with my two little ones. It used to be Buddy that I worried about and now Punkin's teachers are talking to me about his incorrigible behavior. Oy.

Lola Granola

Hi--just noodling around, getting an intro to the adoption blog world...andI happen to have done this--moved with a fifteen month old. And he did struggle, more than I had realized--your mom is right! So many familiar things, people, just gone, and no words to process! We had some massive attacks of clinginess and a real personality change to a much, much more reserved kid for a time.
The thing that helped him most--besides time--was a visit we paid back to the old 'hood. I don't know if you can bring that off--but realizing that all of it was STILL THERE seemed to make a huge difference to him. If I haven't read far enough and you're moving across the world, forgive me. Having he same visitors--Grandma, etc.--helped a lot too. We sould see big relaxation after that. And now, five years later? Water under the bridge!
Good luck from a random internet!

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