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06 April 2009



Yay!!! Wow! I think you will transition better than I have... With Sprout potty trained, and able to dress herself, that's big stuff. I cuddled the kids alot sitting down, and even accidently picked Joe up several times in the weeks after my section. Honestly, I didn't feel a strain as much as I did when there were too many stitches elsewhere.

My only advice: don't be like me and let the habit of nursing more than once a night continue after 3 months... Sleep is too precious. :)


I had not actually visited the blog in awhile, it looks great!

I was just remembering a few days ago how our transition from two to three was one of the easiest, and one of the sweetest. I remember sitting and cuddling Ethan as a newborn and being very aware of how fleeting, precious, and sweet a time it was. I have enjoyed the after weeks of all my children, but Ethan's has always stuck out to me as the first one I really just settled in and enjoyed. I had done it twice before, so I was calm and able to just treasure it all up.


Actually, this is the paragraph that impacted me most:

With Easter coming up, The Captain and I were talking about how our church here has so many Easter services and attending holiday services is a big part of the church culture we're in. For both of us growing up, holidays were a time when we attended church very little, even foregoing Sunday services, as our families believed that the sharing of faith is most salient within the walls of our home, with our families. We would close the doors to huddle together to read the scriptures, to share the outworking of our faith in our lives, to eat together, savoring the blessing of family, which is the gift of God. I don't think it is selfish or indulgent to turn inward (bringing others into our family circle, at times) instead of participating in outward activities, during momentous occasions.

And we're praying for baby #3, so I'll be looking for your advice!

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