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22 July 2010



We just got a new request for access to our private blog-- someone who said that they had originally found us through you-- and so I linked through to find you. I just want to say thank you for the nice things you said about our blog. Going private was huge for us (and we went from having thousands of readers to "just" hundreds -- which has both pro's and con's), but one thing I miss is seeing what other people have to say on their blogs about ours. It was fun to see this tonight. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll be in touch if you ever want a virtual 'hug'... keep on keepin' on!
Lots of love,
Heather (from Party of Five -now Five Free Spirits)
P.S. I LOVE Enjoying the Small Things too!!!!


i think it's good to keep names and facial recoginition pix off - i have recently stumbled here via rage against the miniva (love love love).

i have just started blogging - i'm thinking of doing pix w/ backs of heads, hands, feet, shadows, etc. - stretch imagination w/ photos - and faces aren't needed :)

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