Right now we're enjoying school holidays before starting the fourth and final term of the year. This will be Small Sun's last term of preschool. After summer holidays (and Christmas!), he will start kindergarten and The Sprout will go to (a new) preschool three days a week. I might not know myself! Times are a changin'!
I can see the end of the year out in front of me. It is a little wobbly, like heat rising off the tarmac distorts the lines on the road, but I can see it there, finite, limited.
I'm planning a lazy summer. The last summer they're all here together before Small Sun becomes a school boy. We'll fill up the kiddy pool, do the slip 'n slide, and eat popsicles every day. We'll go to the beach and get permanent tan lines. We'll listen to the cicadas hum in the trees and eat boxes of peaches, mangoes, and cherries. We'll go barefoot all summer long, except when the ground is too hot to stand on. We'll love and laugh and fight and play.
I can see it all, out in front of me.
But when the year started I heard God say "big changes" and "a right hand turn you can't anticipate" and "build up your courage, you'll need bravery this year."
I'm standing looking at the end of the year, and looking at those words I wrote down from the Lord, and scratching my head a little. No, make that, scratching my head A LOT.
Imagine a rope bridge across a rushing river. Actually it is just two ropes for the feet, and two for the hands. When you try to cross it there is nothing to hold the two sides together so you end up in some kind of crazy splits before you crash into the water. That's how I feel right now.
We've heard two distinct and clear things that we are supposed to be doing with our lives. But those two things don't seem to be connected. We're supposed to be diligent with both, holding onto both, making place in our hearts and heaven for both, engaging both. But both things don't seem to go together. I'm losing my balance trying to be two places at once. Inside I'm doing some crazy gymnastics trying to hold both those lines. You might not see it on the outside, but inside I am stretched so thin!
I keep trying to find a way to make the two come together and what I keep hearing in my head is "don't pull a Sarah". You know Abraham and Sarah in the Bible? Well God gave them a promise. God told them that He was going to give them a son and make their offspring like the stars of the heavens. Problem was, that was pretty much impossible because Sarah had already gone through "the change" and I guess once you change over, you can't change back.
So Sarah took that promise from God and did some gymnastics of her own to make it work. She got Hagar, her servant, and Abraham to shack up to make God's promise happen for her. She took God's promise, and when she didn't see how it could happen, because it didn't line up with her circumstances, she manipulated the circumstances to produce a result that looked like God's promise, but wasn't God's promise at all.
"Don't pull a Sarah." "Don't be a Sarah." It is the word of caution that is living in my heart these days.
Because, like Sarah, God has spoken to my heart that I am the mother of many children. But my current circumstances aren't backing it up. I am living in a place where I'm holding on to the promises of God, and being faithful with where He has placed me, even though the two cannot currently co-exist in my understanding.
As itchy as I feel, as frustrated as I am, as much as my heart is fighting for Belief, I will. not. move. until I see the cloud moving, and I will. not. be Sarah, God help me.