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29 August 2011



Fostering is a challenge, there is no doubt about that. I can only begin to imagine how busy you are. We would only take one placement at a time, because I knew that with my job, and Mack at home, it was all that I could do. Even then, the added laundry, meals, doctors appointments, sibling and parnet visits, were enough to make me question my sanity.

But now, that we are "done?" I look back and think I could have done it longer, that we should have at least kept our license current, because maybe I'm not as done as I thought I was.


I think fostering must be so difficult. I always thought it would be challenging to become so attached to a child and then to have to see him or her go. Our kids' foster parents have been doing it for 20 years and they've fostered so many kids. I don't know how they did it.


I get you--how can you take all the good stuff, like the pass from volunteering and the begging your friends for free meals--if the baby isn't "real?" What a very difficult way to feel. It's so complex I'm having trouble even coming up with a good comment on it. I guess I just wanted to comment to say, random internet person, wishing I could bring you lasagna.

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