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20 August 2012



So great to hear that you're all finding your 'groove' and things aren't so difficult. It does take time, and little people who've experienced trauma are closed and unavailable much of the time. I guess they have their guard up and are in survival mode so you have to really try to build the right kind of bridge to reach them and speak their language. B is very lucky that you've taken the time to wait it out, build just the right bridge and learn his language. He'll be a better person long term because of this.

sarah b-d

thanks for sharing the details of this journey. You're putting in to words so well the emotions and experiences of what you're all going through. I think the job you're doing is amazing - giving a child love and security (esp. when that's not their 'norm' - and is out of your comfort zone too) is such a gift. Hope there are many more reasons to keep feeling encouraged.

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