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20 November 2012



I remember only too well feeling this same exact way with D our foster son. When he went home, my heart hurt in ways I wasn't prepared for.

I sent him a small scrapbook that I had made form him, paper and envelopes with postage that had our address on them. We haven't heard from him since that day he left April 20, 2007. I am sure his grandmother threw the paper and envelopes away. I hope that they let him keep the scrapbook of memories from when he was with us.


Our first foster child continued on to a placement that we were very happy with. It was a great outcome. I don't know if/how I will be able to handle it if we are ever in a situation where we feel like our foster child is going to an unsafe/unsuitable placement.

In general, I assume the time with us will be wiped away/forgotten once the child is in their long-term setting. I think I am okay with that, as long as I feel like I've done my part for them well. I'm sorry you haven't heard anything from/about D. That must be really hard.

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