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15 November 2012



Wowie! I love this story, everything about it is just so warm, honest and from your heart. Wish you were here riding your bike, we could go far and fast for sure!

sarah b-d

Wow - I'm inspired. Bike riding sounds like great fun. And yes I hear you on going slow. My mummy-brain often feels all fuzzy and it would be amazing to ride somewhere with the wind whistling by me. thanks for sharing x p.s. does your new bike have streamers?


Thanks Viv! Sarah, my bike does not have streamers, alas, but it does have a basket! I want to train my little dog to sit in the basket. That would be so fun, right?

Peggy Fitzpatrick

Knowing you have a bike of your own makes smiley waves all around my heart. There is nothing quite like a brisk bike-spin around the block or a leisurely meandering bike "stroll" for setting everything right. Oh, enjoy!

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