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12 December 2014



Okay, so that all looks AMAZING! And you've gotten it all done in less than a year!! While caring for three kids, etc.!!! (!!!)
Well done. Come spring it will be doubly amazing. (Just two or three more months.)


I am impressed, exhausted, proud, and apologetic all in the same moment. You are so your mother's daughter!! (thank you--I mean, I'm sorry) :-) Except you never cease to amaze. Yes, I agree with Wendy--this is pretty astounding, and all in less than a year, much less. Give yourself room for some time off while everything "settles in" for the next few months. As gardeners we live half our reality in hoping and dreaming, knowing the fruit will come. I trust that as the whirl of holidays and family whisks you away for a couple of weeks, you will return to the task with renewed optimism and energy. Good going, wonder woman!!!!

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