It's been a year since I accepted a new job, and it has taken me a year to feel like there is any margin in my energy to write. I really left things hanging writing a 1 of 2 post about the flood and then never finishing it! Since then our neighborhood has flooded again, twice. So much has happened in the last year.
-My return to full-time work
-More Floods
-Small Sun's first year of Middle School
-Our first foster care placement in Texas
Who knows what else?
And that's really why I'm coming back. I don't know what all I am going to choose to write about. Mostly I want the record of our life experiences that blogging provides. Right now we are in the midst of a BIG adventure, and I want to preserve it. Turns out, I can't seem to manage that in a journal so I'll come back here.
So that's it. No fluff. No fanfare. Just hi!
Was that really a year ago?! Time is flying...
Posted by: Wendy | 09 June 2016 at 12:33 PM